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Presidents' Day Closure

The Bechtel International Center will be closed on Monday, February 17th in observance of Presidents’ Day.We will re-open on Tuesday, February 18th.

Executive Authorization for Immigrant Petition

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University Administrative Guide 2.4.1 at Section 2.g requires an executive authorization from a cognizant dean or Vice President before Stanford University may undertake an immigrant petition on behalf of a faculty or staff member.

(Please complete accordingly and print on Dean’s/VP letterhead)

To: Office of General Counsel (via Bechtel International Center)

I am the Dean or his/her designee of the School of (___name of School___) / Vice President or his/her designee of (_area_).

(___Name of Chair or Chief ___ / ___Name of Manager, Director, Vice Provost, etc.___) in the department/area of (___name of department, division or area___) has requested that I endorse (___name of faculty or staff member___) as the beneficiary of Stanford’s petition for permanent residence, through the administrative sponsorship of the University, using the legal mechanism requested by the employing unit.

I authorize either Bechtel International Center or the University’s counsel (depending upon the election of the employing unit) acting at my direction on behalf of the University, to make all necessary representations to the Department of Homeland Security and, in relevant cases, the US Department of Labor regarding the beneficiary’s affiliation with the University, including, as necessary and required by said Departments, provision of documentary information relevant to appointments, searches, recruitment, salary and offer letters; as well as ad hoc materials solicited by Stanford, such as letters of recommendation, affidavits and other statements of support to be used in compiling a dossier of evidence for submission to US government agencies relevant to efforts to document an immigrant petition to be filed on behalf of the affiliate in question.

Name, Title
