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Presidents' Day Closure

The Bechtel International Center will be closed on Monday, February 17th in observance of Presidents’ Day.We will re-open on Tuesday, February 18th.

How to Request Initial I-20 or DS-2019

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Once you accept admission from Stanford, we will send you an invitation to the Bechtel Connect portal via email. Check your email inbox and click the link to Bechtel Connect.

  1. You need to log into the portal with your SUNet ID and password. You will be directed to “I-20 or DS-2019 Request Information” page. Read the instructions carefully. 


  2. Immigration Status: If you are currently in the U.S. and are transferring your existing SEVIS ID to Stanford from your current school, click the Transfer In button and answer the questions. 

    screenshot of step two showing Transfer In button
  3. Personal & Program: Confirm which visa document type you are requesting: F-1 I-20 or J-1 DS-2019. 

    screenshot of step 3 showing where to enter I-20 or DS-2019
  4. Upload a copy of your passport biographic page. 

    screenshot of step four showing browse button
  5. Upload your admission letter. 

    screenshot of step five showing browse button
  6. Financial Details: Please read the instructions carefully and upload your funding documents. 

    screenshot for step six showing screen for uploading financial documents
  7. After completing the request, click Submit

    screenshot of step 7 showing complete and submit button